September 19, 2018

• I don’t read enough parenting books, partly because like nutrition, it doesn’t seem like there is a right answer on how to raise children. Staying afloat is sometimes the best you can do. One book that seems very balanced and wise is this book by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who basically invented mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR).  
• One very cool chapter talks about children as Zen Masters. The stories of the martial arts master in Kill Bill are not far from the truth. Zen teachers often do contradictory, seemingly irrational things to their pupils. This is to elucidate paradox, to throw students out of their routine/script, to teach lessons that are beyond words. Kabat-Zinn talks about children being irrational, testing our patience, confusing us, making us rethink assumptions. It is a beautiful way to think about your toddler, teenager, new infant – as a little mastermind in charge of making you more resilient.  

Circadian Code:
• Dr Satchin Panda, who by the way got his permanent H-1B Visa on September 12, 2001 (go America), is a distinguished researcher in circadian rhythms. I had high hopes for his new book Circadian Code. While this book stays fairly superficial, it is a nice place to start if you don’t already read a bunch of esoteric basic science articles about this topic.  
• Panda is big on TRE (time restricted eating), recommending an 8, 10, or at most 12 hour eating window every day. The second half of the book breaks the human body down by systems to describe how important it is to keep a proper circadian rhythm.  
• One major theme that comes up in this and many other sources is the light during the day. It is as important to have bright light exposure during the day as it is to avoid blue light at night (avoiding screens, wearing blue blockers, etc). For this reason, Panda notes that he rarely wears sunglasses even in sunny San Diego.  
• Something I have been doing all summer is opening the sun roof, letting the sun hit my face while driving. Can get an hour a day depending on commute times. Try it this afternoon, or morning if you get to drive to work after sunrise.  

Collagen Bars:
• Check out these bars from the Bulletproof store. I am generally hesitant to recommend these products, as this guy is always selling ideas that are pretty out there, and expensive. But these bars are hard to resist. Fresh Thyme has individual bars for sale, see which flavors you like.  

Fake News?:
• Some of these storms might not be quite as bad as they seem.

Quote: Prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child. – Folk Wisdom

Martin Huecker, MD, is co-editor in chief of the free, open access Journal of Wellness. He is an Associate Professor and Research Director in the Department of Emergency Medicine (EM) at the University of Louisville. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society. Dr. Huecker graduated from UofL’s EM Residency Program and (Chief Resident in 2011). He works full time seeing patients and teaching residents in the UofL Emergency Department. His diverse research interests include substance use, accidental hypothermia, and healthcare professional wellness. Dr. Huecker is also a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician (DipABLM). He loves books, (cold) trail runs, dogs, and coffee. His wife is an OB/GYN and they have 4 children with cool names.