Workout: 14 August 2024
Gym Workout
Warm up:
- 21 Empty barbell front squats
- 18 Empty barbell strict press / shoulder press
- 15 Pull-ups / Jumping pull-ups
- 12 Slow back extensions / supermans
- 9 Light weight deadlifts
- Complete 4 sets of 6 strict press starting at ~70% of 1-rep max and increasing if able
- Strength conditioning:
5 Rounds for quality,:
-6 Reps of Bench press at 80-85% of 1-rep max
-8 Reps of Bent over barbell row heavy
-10 Slow and controlled pull-ups with a 3 second decent (alternative: same with a jumping pull-up)
At Home Workout
- 4 Sets for quality: slow and controlled pull-ups (10-12 reps) 3 second decent delay (can perform jumping pull-ups, or banded pull-ups)
- 2 sets of the following as fast as possible (try to beat your time from 14 May):
– 100 Double-unders (or 120 single jump rope rotations)
– 50 Lunges
– 30 Body weight rows / inverted rows
– 20 Jumping lunges
– 10 HSPUs(alternative: Pike-box hspu, use a bench or table if no box; or clapping push-ups)