Workout: 26 August 2024
Gym Workout
Warm up / Metabolic – EMOM-6 (every minute on the minute for 6 minutes)
Each minute do one of the following exercises:
– 8-12 Chest to bar pull-ups (alternative: regular or jumping pull-ups)
– 8-12 Toes-to-bar (alternative: knee ups, try for the first 3 as close to toes-to-bar as possible)
– 4 x 50-foot shuttle runs / sprints
Try to break up sets as minimal as possible.
Workout / Skill work
1. Work up to a Max Front Squat building in sets of 3 (starting with 50% of 1 rep max) until you are at 75-80%, and then drop to singles.
2. Perform 2 clean complexes of the following (to remember it think of 3-2-1, 3-2-1):
– 3 clean grip deadlifts + 2 power cleans + 1 squat clean + 3 front squats + 2 push jerks + 1 split jerk
Once your clean, push jerk and split jerk are warm, start the complex at around 60% of 1-rep clean max and increase weight for the second complex. Complete whole complex without dropping the bar.
3. Then: work up to a moderately heavy (~75% of max) Squat Snatch
4. Finally: Perform 4 sets of the following
Time cap: 16 mins
– 8 Pistol squats (alternating legs, 4 each leg) (alternative: any of the pistol squat variations based on skill)
– 2 Squat Snatches at the weight of item (3) above.
– 200 m run / sprint (alternative: row 250 m)
At Home Workout
First: run for about half a mile / 800 meters at a 85% pace
Then: AMRAP-20 (as many reps as possible in 15 mins)
– 200 Meter run (estimate if you do not have an exact distance)
– 20 Push-ups
– 20 Walking lunges (knee touches ground if able)
– 20 Jumping pull-ups
– 20 Box jumps (alternative: if you do not have a box or equivalent, perform standing tuck jumps)