Workout: 03 February 2025

Gym Workout

Warm up: 2 rounds:

  1. 10 Light-moderate weight Romanian dead lifts
  2. 10 Barbell curls light weight
  3. 10 Heavy single arm DB / KB rows


  1. Strict press 5 sets of 5 starting around 70-75% of max and increasing, superset 5 sets of 3 Front squats at 75% of max (increasing as able) with a 1 second pause at full depth
  2. 3 sets: 20 GHD sit-ups (alternative: toes to bar or hanging knee ups) superset 50 supermans for each set
  3. 3 rounds, one after the other (superset) for quality (rather than as quick as possible)
    12 Moderate weight DB skull crushers
    12 Moderately heavy weight hammer curls
    12 Bent over light weight reverse flys, 3 sets of 10-12 for each

At Home Workout

  1. 3 sets of 15 Bulgarian split squats on each leg (use light DBs if you have them)
  2. 150 Air Squats for quality (break up however you would like, go full depth)
  3. 4 rounds: as fast as you can
    50 supermans
    40 sit ups
    30 push ups