December 26, 2018

Move: • Sandbags. You can buy them on Amazon, Onnit, or go big and get your equipment from Rogue. There are several tutorials online with which exercises to do. But you can get a great workout by just picking up a sandbag and doing human things. • Bend over and pick it up, hug it and squat with…

December 19, 2018

Move: • Do you want to look like Superman? Wonderwoman? Try this very simple exercise that Henry Cavill used to get in shape for movies..                                • You can either do a few rounds of it, or finish your regular workout. You do need a…

December 12, 2018

Work hard, rest hard: • Great and I promise short post from Life in the Fast Lane on William Osler.  The post starts with a long quote where Osler talks about the one master-word that opens doors and is a great equalizer. Work. Osler was able to find true joy in his work. I have heard others say work-life balance…

December 5, 2018

Community: • Jordan Peterson’s 3rd Rule is to “Make friends with people who want the best for you.” Jim Rohn said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”• Psychology (and real life business industry) studies show that one bad apple can ruin the productivity of a small group. It is…

November 28, 2018

Insulin: • Yes we need insulin. Without it, our cells could not go into storage mode and the first winter humans encountered would have been our last. Problem of course is that now we have no winter (metaphorically). We don’t have a period of a few months with less food availability (and cold exposure). So…

November 21, 2018

Alcohol and Sleep: • The interplay between alcohol and sleep is complex and problematic. We have all seen the data showing sleep deprivation to be as detrimental to driving ability as alcohol. This study looks specifically at how alcohol and sleep deprivation cause cognitive impairments. It appears that both cause changes in the adenosine receptor, and have…

November 14, 2018

Around the World: • Cool studywith a mathematical model on worldwide pandemic diseases. They assert that the ubiquitous travel of millions of people around the world protects against global pandemics like the 1918 influenza. “Frequent travel between subpopulations can lead to widespread immunity to the high virulence strain, driven by exposure to the low virulence strain.”• Can…

November 7, 2018

Learn Serve Lead: • Attended the AAMC annual conference in Austin, TX over the weekend. High quality conference. One of the keynote speakers was Dr. Angela Duckworth who wrote Grit. • Wellness was a recurrent theme in several lectures and panel discussions. Many focused on burnout, but some on wellbeing. One great slide said 1 in 5…

October 31, 2018

Move: • Do you have plantar fasciitis? Do you have calves? If you answered yes to one of these questions, check out this calf stretch from Brad Kearns.• Kearns is an accomplished runner who no longer ever has plantar fasciitis pain. He performs this calf stretch a few times a day. I have worked it into my day…

October 24, 2018

Gross and Net: • No matter your income, you can judge a prospective purchase by how much work you would have to perform to buy it. Thoreau said “the price of anything is how much life you exchange for it.” • Well something you might not consider is the gross versus net issue. Imagine you want to buy…