October 17, 2018

Grit:  • In a group of students, athletes, children who all have talent, how can you predict who succeeds? McCarthy genius award winner Angela Duckworth argues that grit is the most important characteristic. Grit is a combination of passion and perseverance. As much as we all love “naturals,” most talented people who rise to the top (and change the…

October 10, 2018

Boxing:  • Did you want the fitness benefits of boxing without the concussions? Try 9 Round. This is an international phenomenon with many locations in Louisville. My wife just began her membership and LOVES it. 27 minutes (9 three minute rounds) of intense exercise, but the time flies by. You can get a little aggression out and burn some…

October 3, 2018

Financial Health: • Solid article published in a pathology journal, advising residents (but applicable to students and anyone else) on financial health. Some take home points: be careful who you choose as an advisor, manage medical school debt early, buy enough insurance, ignore the Joneses, and buckle down and budget. Free full text at the link above. …

September 26, 2018

Snacks:• Finding new go to snacks / meals takes a patience. For instance, this recipe from MDA for healthy peanut butter cookies was very unsuccessful. Sticky and nonformed no matter how much protein powder or almond flour I added. Maybe just mix protein into peanut butter and eat with a spoon.•BUT this recipe for homemade pickles is easy and delicious.…

September 19, 2018

Parenting:• I don’t read enough parenting books, partly because like nutrition, it doesn’t seem like there is a right answer on how to raise children. Staying afloat is sometimes the best you can do. One book that seems very balanced and wise is this book by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who basically invented mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR).  • One…

September 12, 2018

Summer is fattening. Don’t do it in winter:• There is a natural rhythm of the body regarding daily nutrition. The simplest way to stay synchronized is to eat only when the sun is out. This takes care of the day to day, but what about seasons of the year? • Start with this post from Bill Lagakos, PhD, author, researcher,…

September 5, 2018

Psychology of Money:• This long piece by Morgan Housel is absolutely full of wisdom on behavioral finance, personal wealth accumulation, and life in general. The beginning recounts stories of Grace Groner and Richard Fuscone. Grace was a secretary who ended up donating $7 million to charity when she died. Richard was a Ivy League educated investment banker…

August 29, 2018

Practice: • Some of the feedback on these emails is how far people feel they are from the ideal, from what we are promoting. The intention of the newsletter is not to make anyone feel behind. The goal is for personal wellness to be a priority. To encourage everyone to do one thing every day that…

August 22, 2018

TR:  • Graham Allison has a new and very important book, Destined for War, about US-China relations. Will cover some of the meat of it in a future newsletter.• But let’s start with now insane Teddy Roosevelt was! In a chapter imagining if China were like the US at the beginning of the 20th Century, Allison points…

August 15, 2018

Light: • Ok, more news on light. First, it appears that on a sub cellular level, blue light is toxic to retinal cells. This storyattempts to translate the original article from Nature. The study used cell cultures, and applied “445–594 nm laser light depending on the experiment” to the cells. Tough to necessarily translate to real life. But…