July 2023

Do you know how to walk? • Pretty cool article about how Joanna Hall instructs people to walk in WalkActive training, a protocol she developed.• “Maintain a flexible, open ankle, to leave my back foot on the ground for longer, and to peel it away, heel first, as if it were stuck in place with Velcro. Imagine that…

June 2023

Versatile • Very cool post ranking the most impressive multiport athletes in US History. Jim Thorpe, Bo Jackson, Jackie Robinson. Some amazing accomplishments.  Podcast • I recently appeared on the PXSpace podcast. Linda Robinson and I had some deep discussions on emergency medicine (she was an ER nurse for years!), lifestyle medicine, the opioid epidemic, and many other topics.  Recovery…

May 2023

Music • Check out this compilation of string music. Complex, interesting instrumental music you can play in in the background. I especially love the song Pay No Attention to the Boundaries. I added the album to my Spotify playlist for Deep Work. • Also check out Louisville “Hometown Hero” Jack Harlow, his new album Jackman came out last Friday. Louisville just placed Harlow’s image on a…

March 2023

Saving Daylight • I have posted before on daylight savings, how it is inherently unhealthy. Not only should we oppose the legislation to make permanent daylight savings, we should push for permanent standard time. That is, stop changing the clocks completely.• This Washington Post article (not paywalled) provides the best visual explanation I have seen. Thanks…

February 2023

Second Brain • Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte is the best book I have read in a long time and the best book on organization. I am working on a book review for the April issue of Louisville Medicine. • One of the most important changes to my own behavior so far is scrapping hard copies of reading materials.…

January 2023

Daily Supplement • When I lecture to students and residents, I usually discourage the use of multivitamins. When studies control for healthy user bias (people who take vitamins are usually healthier in the first place), multivitamins don’t offer much benefit. Companies use the wrong amounts of ingredients: high quantities of the cheap ones, small amounts…

Daily Supplements (updated Nov ’23)

• Check out the PW Core Formula supplement label. And here is the PW Enhanced Healthspan. Before starting any supplement, ask exactly why you plan to take it, and if you can be consistent. The new formulation of The Practice of Wellness daily supplement is intended to complement a diverse and balanced diet*. These nutrients have very little risk of…

December 2022

Snacks • If you are trying to restrict calories, do not buy this incredible peanut butter. 11g net carbs per serving but hard to not eat the whole container.  Writing • Get yourself a fancy notebook and check out these precise ink pens.  Sugar substitute • You can buy allulose at some groceries, but it can be hard to find. Just…