March 6, 2019

• Hello everyone! Exciting news this month! After several months of preparation, the Journal of Wellness is now live and accepting submissions. JWellness is a peer-reviewed, open access, journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of medical, physical and psychological wellness.  We welcome contributions from all fields therein, including the humanities.…

February 27, 2019

Paradox: • I am fascinated by paradox. Sometimes what looks like a paradox is actually not – we can resolve apparent contradictions with more understanding. The French paradox: High saturated fat but low heart disease. The Isreali paradox: High vegetable oil but high heart disease (The short post summarizes a very cool article).• These paradoxes cease to be paradoxes if…

February 20, 2019

Fitness: • Check out this old video (2011) from Greg Glassman, founder of Crossfit. This represents an early stage in his effort to disrupt the healthcare industry. An even better place to start is Glassman’s 2002 articleon what fitness really is. • He distills his philosophy of fitness (including nutrition) into 100 words. Hard to argue with…

February 13, 2019

Time: • Another cool pieceon passage of time. Physicist Adrian Bejan is apparently a renaissance man, attempting to use physics to explain everything from how humans shape a campfire to wealth inequality. This time piece shows how eye movements and brain processing slow with age, leading to an apparently faster perception of time; we notice less…

February 6, 2019

Carnivores: • Cool article on Mongolian steppe dwellers based on archeologic remains. They reconstruct a traditional pastoral lifestyle where people lived in small groups, relied on a protein-rich diet and used animals for transportation.They found one dental cavity out of 252 teeth. Three people (out of 25) had inflammatory conditions. The proportion of old adults in the sample, and the fact that the pathologies…

January 30, 2019

Musonius Rufus: • We have covered embracing voluntary discomfort. Yes it will “make you stronger.” But how does this actually work? William Irvine breaks down several stoic principles in his book A Guide to the Good Life. He gives 3 specific reasons to embrace discomfort (adapted from first century stoic philosopher Musonious Rufus): 1. Voluntary Discomfort hardens us. If…

January 23, 2019

Sun worship: • Comprehensive and enlightening article from Outside Online. I love the title, Is Sunscreen the New Margarine. Hopefully the headline alone will cause some people to read and find out that margarine is a horrible poisonous atrocity.• The article dives in to some interesting literature on skin cancer and mortality. If you develop non-melanoma skin…

January 16, 2019

Practice: • Is practice a verb or a noun? We often think of it as something we do, whether it is medicine, golf, guitar. George Leonard argues (in his book Mastery) that we should think of it more as a noun, something we have, something we are. Practice is Tao in Chinese and do in Japanese, but these words more directly translate to path or way.…

January 9, 2018

Winter: • We have covered this before, but it is very important to look at the protein content of your food. The higher protein intake, the less you will overeat. Ted Naiman stresses this, but also the carb to fat ratio. He says to avoid ALL foods that are moderate in carbs and fat. In nature, the…

January 2, 2019

Happy New Year to everyone. We all have an opportunity for a fresh start; to reflect on what we are grateful for from 2018, and to strategically forget what didn’t go so well last year. Give yourself some time to sit down and think about what big plans you have for this year: a new work…