Pearl (from Tim Ferriss’s book Tools of Titans) from Chade-Meng “Meng” Tan: the practice of “one breath.” Breathing is the common denominator of all mindful practices. One SINGLE breath is the most achievable, least intimidating meditation you can do. No one can say she doesn’t have time to take ONE mindful breath.
When I first came across this concept I thought “ok a good starting point but how do you build on it, what is one breath really going to accomplish, etc.” Dike Drummond (from last week’s PofW) has the answer. He explains how to string these breaths together throughout the day. He calls the one breath a “Squeegee breath.” Just before you go into a patient room, or open a note, or start a phone call, a meeting, a new email, etc, you wipe away what came before to be present for the next moment. Any recurring point in your day where you could be reminded to be more mindful, take a long, deliberate breath. Try it today!
Jocko Willink is an increasingly famous former Navy Seal. He promotes jiu-jitsu, calisthenics, weight training, clean eating, and hard work. His most famous axiom (and title of his new book) is Discipline Equals Freedom (D=F). A deep statement, and not borrowed from anywhere else as far as I know. Many potential meanings but I conceive it as a laconic statement on delayed gratification. If you practice discipline now, freedom will come. Work hard in school, save money, eat right, initiate and feed good habits, and you reap the benefits later. Later can mean tomorrow, or in 30 years. And the discipline is self-propogating.
We talked about the 40lb head. Once you have mastered sitting with an aligned spine, stop sitting! For every 30 minutes you sit, walk around for 2. Throw in the one breath when you get up. Cease all optional sitting while at work. Be aware of your posture while sitting and walking. Finally, perform 15 minutes of daily maintenance on your body.
Dry, winter air is coming. Check out Badger Balm. From Amazon: “Badger Healing Balm is great for cracked and dry hands, elbows, heels, and feet. Soothes windburn, scratches, and scrapes. Ingredients include, organic extra virgin olive oil, castor oil, beeswax, aloe vera extract, and essential oil of sweet birch.” Love this stuff.
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
-Oscar Wilde