Workout: 11 April 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up: 2 rounds:

  1. 20 Jumping lunges
  2. 15 Empty barbell front squats


  1. Front squats 3 sets of 8 starting around 65% of max and increasing
  2. Heavy machine leg press, 2 sets of 20, no pause, keep a bend in your knee (alternative: 2 sets of 20 back squats at ~50% of max, with no rest or pause between reps)
  3. 3 sets of 25 slow calf raises with heavy DBs, superset with light-mod weight Barbell lunges, 3 sets of 8 (each leg)
  4. Metabolic and strength conditioning: 50 Thrusters as fast as you can (pick a weight that you can do 10 unbroken: recommend 65-95 lbs)

At Home Workout

  1. 6 rounds for quality:
    -30 Box jumps (if you have nothing to jump up to, then do a high tuck jump) – rep ends when knees and hips are straight and you are standing upright, stable on the box / object
    -15 Lunges each leg (can add DBs in if you would like more of a challenge)
    -10 Ground to over head (with a moderate DBs or an odd object)