Workout: 19 April 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up:

  1. 21 calorie sprint on the bike (alternative 400 m run)
  2. 21 calorie sprint on the row (alternative 400 m run)


  1. Complete 5 sets of 5 front squats at ~65% of max as fast as possible. Focus on chest and elbows up, full depth (hip crease below knees), and aggressive speed.
  2. Hip thrusters, 3 sets of 10, touch the floor with the weights (heavy: adequate weight is approximately 75% of your max deadlift)
  3. Metabolic conditioning:
    4 Rounds as fast as possible:
    – 12 Snatch deadlifts (wider grip, start lower, chest up) at your max snatch weight (or approximately 60% max deadlift)
    – 10 High box jumps (try for 6-12 inches higher than your regular)
    – 8 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull-ups)
    – 6 Handstand push ups (alternative: clapping push-ups)
    – 4 Muscle ups (alternative: deep / past 90 degree dips)
    – 20 Cals on the bike / row / ski erg or 200 m run

At Home Workout

  1. 4 sets of 50 m handstand walks.
    If you cannot handstand walk, do a free standing handstand hold, try to hold position for 1-2 seconds, or try for a step forward, come back down, walk a about a meter forward and repeat until 50 m are accomplished. Alternative: 50 second plank for each 50 m.
  2. 3 sets of the following as fast as possible:
    -60 Double-unders (or 120 single jump rope rotations)
    -40 Lunges
    -20 Jumping lunges