Workout: 25 April 2024

Gym / Home Workout

Today is a “goat” and an active recovery day.

  1. Work for ~20 mins on your “goat” (a skill which is difficult for you that tends to give you a significant amount of trouble). These are usually barbell or gymnastic skills with a relatively difficult learning curve.
    Recommend consideration for one of the following:
    Muscle-ups (alternative: jumping bar muscle-up or scaled muscle-ups: breaking down the muscle-up)
    – Pull-up
    Handstand Push-Ups (alternative: Pike-box hspu, use a bench or table if no box)
    – Handstand walks
    Pistol squats (alternative: any of the pistol squat variations based on skill)
  2. Then: Perform an aerobic physical activity (preferably outside if possible) that is atypical for you. Examples include: swimming, hiking, climbing, interval running, power yoga, biking, rowing.

Following the goat work and the active recovery above, complete a 15-20 minute stretching session, holding each stretch for 60 seconds. Focus on abs, shoulders, bridge if you can do it, hamstrings, side splits and straddle.