Workout: 19 August 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up:

  1. Complete 100 Double-unders in as little time as possible (alternative: 50 box jumps + 50 lunges)


  1. Work up to a max front squat
  2. Front squat at 70% of 1-rep max from (1), perform 4 sets of 5 superset with 4 sets of 12 Bulgarian split squats on each leg (use light DBs)
  3. 2 rounds of unbroken (don’t let go of the bar) Hang power snatches at 50% of 1-rep max snatch (try to hit your same number of reps for the 2nd round)
  4. 2 rounds of Toes to bar (again: try to hit the same reps during round 2, if you cannot get your toes all the way to the bar, then do 5-8 lifting your legs as high as you can, and after that, switch to hanging knee ups)
  5. Metabolic: 8 min AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
    -12 Box facing burpee box jump overs
    -20 Alternating split squat jumps (aka Jumping lunges) (10 each leg)

At Home Workout

  1. Complete 100 Double-unders in as little time as possible (alternative: 50 box jumps / jumping squats + 50 lunges)
  2. AMRAP-15 (as many reps as possible in 15 mins):
    -15 burpees
    -15 air squats
    Goal is to finish at least 7 rounds.