Workout: 28 August 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up:

  1. 25 Target jump burpees – time limit 60 seconds (this should be fast, once 60 seconds is up you are done no matter how far you got)


  1. Strict press 3 sets of 8 starting around 60% of max and increasing if able, superset with 3 sets of 15 (each leg) moderate weight walking DB walking lunges (pick a weight you can go unbroken with)
  2. Heavy Single-arm DB / KB rows 3 sets of 10 – 12 each arm superset with 3 sets of 12 Dips (recommend adding weight if movement it too easy)
  3. 3 rounds, metabolic
    12 Strict Chin-ups (palms face toward you) (alternative: jumping chin-ups, with a 2 second pause coming down)
    24 light weight Hang barbell power snatches (recommend around 60% of your snatch max)
    24 Jumping lunges (alternating, 12 on each leg)
    12 HSPUs (alternative: Pike-box hspu, use a bench or table if no box; or clapping push-ups)

At Home Workout

  1. 3 sets of 15 Bulgarian split squats on each leg (use light DBs if you have them)
  2. 2 rounds: as fast as you can
    50 Supermans
    25 Target jump burpees
    10 Clapping push ups