Workout: 07 February 2025

Gym Workout

Warm up: 2 rounds:

  1. 20 jumping lunges
  2. 10 empty barbell / PVC pipe over head squats


  1. 3 sets of 8 Overhead Squats at 65-70% of your max snatch
  2. Work up to a heavy (max for the day) squat snatch
  3. 3 sets of 3 squat snatches at 80% from the max from (1)
  4. Metabolic and strength conditioning:
    10 – 9 – 8 – 7 . . . 3 – 2 – 1 of the following (as fast as possible, with a 22 minute time cap):
    Squat snatches at 50-60% of max from (1)
    Bar facing burpees

At Home Workout

  1. 6 rounds for quality (try a 2:1 rest vs work cycle; so if a sprint takes you 60 seconds, try to rest no more than 120 seconds):
    -400 m runs (at 85-90%—not a complete sprint, but pretty close)
    If you do not have a way of measuring this distance, just estimate. The subsequent rounds are ideally as fast as the first. The last round should be your fastest; go all out!
  2. 50 deep squats to tuck jump, as fast as possible
    (Go to full depth on the squat, hips below knees, and explode up into a high jump with a tuck, then return to squat)
  3. Perform #4 from above: Spend at least 15 minutes stretching whatever is tight (same rules apply as above)