Workout: 26 February 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up:

  1. 50 burpees. Time limit: 3 minutes. If you do not make the time goal, record how many you were able to complete, otherwise your time is your score.


  1. Front squat at 70% of 1 rep max, perform 3 sets of 8 superset with 3 sets of 10 Bulgarian split squats on each leg (use light DBs)
  2. Deadlift 5 sets of 3 starting at 70% of 1 rep max and increasing if able
  3. Metabolic: Grettel (one of the new benchmark CrossFit workouts)
    10 Rounds for Time:
    – 3 Power clean and jerks, (Use a moderate weight up to 135 pounds for men, 95 women)
    – 3 Burpees over the bar (do not have to be bar facing)

At Home Workout

  1. 3 sets of 15 Bulgarian split squats on each leg (use light DBs if you have them) superset with 15 (each leg) alternating DB walking lunges
  2. AMRAP: burpees; Time cap: 7 minutes
    In 7 minutes complete as many burpees as possible. For the inspiration of the this workout, see: Open workout 12.1