Workout: 03 January 2025
Gym Workout:
Warm up: 3 rounds:
- 10 Unbroken deadlifts at 30-35% of 1-rep max
- 15 Push-ups
- 20 Wall-ball shots
- Heavy Barbell hip thrusters, 4 sets of 6 with a 3 second down phase and a 1 second pause at the top, superset with 60 second heavy dumbbell holds, one in each arm (builds that grip strength for heavy barbell movements and life in general; stand straight up, keep shoulders engaged / not sagging)
- Sumo Deadlift 7 sets of 4 at 75-80% of your 1-rep deadlift max, rest as needed between each set
- AMRAP-8, Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
– 6 Toes-to-bar (alternative: hanging knee raises)
– 12 Wall-ball shots, 20 lb
Pick an aggressive pace and stick with it, for example consider trying to get each round done in 60 seconds, completing 8 rounds, or 45 seconds completing 10+ rounds…
At Home Workout
- 5 rounds:
– 5 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull-ups, pause 1 sec at the top) + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air squats + 20 Sit-ups - Metabolic: same as (3) above, however if you do not have a Wall-ball or heavy object you can throw, alternate Odd-object Thrusters; the Toes-to-bar / hanging knee raises can be switched to V-ups