Workout: 13 January 2025
Gym Workout
Warm up:
- 12 floors on stair stepper at fastest pace possible (alternative: 100 lunges as quick as possible)
- 2 rounds of 10-15 slow push ups, 5-10 pausing pull ups (can alternate jumping pull ups, pause at the top chin above bar for ~ 1 sec)
Workout: 10 rounds as fast as possible (go for unbroken sets):
- 8 bench press at 65% of max
- 10 toes to bar (alternative: hanging knee ups—try to bring knees to armpits while hanging)
At Home Workout
Four rounds for time (4RFT)—treat this one slow and methodical for the first 2 rounds, quicken after that and try to hold pace. Sprint the last round.
- 30 jumping lunges (try to touch knee to the ground, stay on the balls of your feet)
- 25 v-ups (alternative: sit ups)
- 20 air squats (alternative: hold something heavy in front rack e.g., kettle bell, DB, etc.)
- 15 push-ups (alternative: handstand push ups)
- 10 clapping push ups (alternative: double clap)
- 5 squat to jumping tuck jumps (deep squat, jump to a tuck jump and return back to deep squat)