Workout: 30 January 2025

Gym Workout

Warm up: 1 round:

  1. 25 gentle calories on the bike


  1. 8 sets of 20 second bike sprints (if your gym has an assault bike, even better). Try not to rest more than 2-3 mins between attempts. Your goal is to hit the same cals / distance as you did in the first attempt. Threshold: this should be a red line. For 20 seconds: hold nothing back.
  2. 3 sets of 20 GHD sit ups (alternative: toes to bar, or hanging knee ups) superset with 3 sets of 50 supermans (quick pulse / don’t have to hold up position)
  3. Incline bench press (alternative incline DB press, alternative 2: upright seated shoulder press) 3 sets of 8 starting at ~65% max and working up, superset weighted dips 3 sets of 10, use a weight to hit near failure at 10
  4. Shoulders: 3 sets of 15 heavy DB shoulder shrugs superset with 200 m farmers carry (using the same weight)
    You might have to drop a couple times to complete the full distance due to grip strength; easy to carry means too light

At Home Workout

  1. Accumulate 100 clapping push ups (alternative: knee clapping push ups)
    You can break this up however you like. An easier way to digest this is 10 sets of 10. Tip: if you go fast on the down phase of the push up it will actually make this easier
  2. Cool down with a slow set of 100 supermans (to stretch out those burned pecs!)