Workout: 18 March 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up / Metabolic – EMOM-12 (every minute on the minute for 12 minutes)
Each minute do one of the following exercises:
– 8-10 Chest to bar pull-ups (alternative: regular or jumping pull-ups)
– 12-15 cals bike / row
– 10-12 Toes-to-bar (alternative: knee ups, try for the first 3 as close to toes-to-bar as possible)
– 12-15 cals bike / row

Try to break up sets as minimal as possible.

Workout / Skill work
1. Work up to a Front Squat max for the day (as you build up in weight, recommend sets of 3 until you hit ~80%, then back off to singles)

2. Then perform back off sets of Front Squats as follows (at the respective percentages of your max you found in step 1):
– 80% x 3
– 83% x 3
– 87% x 3
– 91% x 2
– 80% x 5 (with a 3 second pause at the bottom)

3. Mary (CrossFit benchmark workout)

AMRAP-20 (as many reps as possible in 20 mins)
– 5 Handstand push-ups (alternative: pike-box hspu)
– 10 Pistol squats (alternating) (alternative: any of the pistol squat variations based on skill)
– 15 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull-ups)

At Home Workout

First: complete 100 Odd-object Thrusters in as little time as possible

Then: AMRAP-25 (as many reps as possible in 25 mins)
– 10 Wall-ball shots (alternative: can use an odd object throwing up into the air and catching, or perform an odd object thruster)
– 10 Push-ups
– 10 Jumping pull-ups
– 10 Box jumps (alternative: if you do not have a box / step you can jump up to, perform standing tuck jumps)

For this workout, just keep moving, the goal is to keep a consistent pace. Your heart rate should stay around 140-160, difficult, but not red-line, that is until the last 1-2 mins where you should sprint to the finish.