Workout: Heavy on the legs
Warm up – 1 round:
– 20 Cals on the bike / row or run 400 m moderate pace
– 15 empty barbell Hang power snatches
– 10 empty barbell Overhead squats
– 5 Squat snatches with the empty barbell
1. Perform 3 snatch complexes of the following: 4 Snatch deadlifts + 1 Squat snatch + 5 Overhead squats
Start around 50 – 60% of 1 rep snatch max and work up if able. Complete whole complex without dropping the bar.
2. 2 sets of 10 Moderate weight Romanian dead lifts (at around 50-60% of 1-rep deadlift max)
3. 50 Moderate-pace Cals on the bike / row / light jog 800 m
4. 4 sets of 3 Deadlifts, building as you progress in sets. Approximate percentages should be: 70%, 75%, 80%, 82-83%
5. Finish with 20 GHD sit-ups (alternative: toes to bar or hanging knee ups), superset 50 Supermans for each set
When able: complete a cool down: moderate pace jog 1 mile
At Home Workout
First: complete a 2 mile jog, moderate pace.
Then: 3 Rounds for quality:
– 50 Handstand arms taps (can perform against a wall for support)
– 30 Sit ups
– 20 V-ups (alternative: hanging knee ups, or sit-ups)
– 50 Supermans