Workout: 11 November 2024
Gym Workout
Warm up / Metabolic – Time cap: 10 mins
2 rounds:
– 15 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull ups)
– 20 Push-ups
– 15 Toes-to-bar (alternative: hanging knee raises)
– 30 Air Squats
Keep a consistent pace. Most important goal is to finish before the time cap, so keep rounds less than 5 mins each. If you want to push it: treat this workout as an EMOM and finish each round in 4 minutes (8 min total) or less.
Workout / Skill work
1. Warm up your Snatch
2. Perform 3 snatch complexes of the following:
– 3 Snatch deadlifts + 1 squat snatch + 3 overhead squats
Once your snatch is warm, start the complex around 70% of 1-rep snatch max and work up. Complete whole complex without dropping the bar.
3. Work up to a max Overhead Squat (OHS)
4. After hitting a near max, do 3 sets of 5 at a lesser weight (~75-80%) as a cool down
At Home Workout
First: complete 30 burpees in a sprint, as fast as possible, record your time.
Then: 4 Rounds for quality:
– 20 V-ups (alternative: hanging knee ups, or sit-ups)
– 40 Double-unders (alternative: 2 single-unders, if you do not have double-unders recommend at least trying to obtain a few each round before switching to regular jump rope)
– 20 Handstand arms taps (can perform against a wall for support)