Gym Workout – Heavy Legs #5
Warm up: 3 rounds:
- 20 Push-ups
- 30 Air squats
- Work up to your 80% front squat
- 5 Front Squats at 80% for 5 sets
- 3 sets of 10 slow Barbell Hip Thrusters at the weight of the front squats, superset with 15 deadlifts at that same weight
- Metabolic work (3 rounds): As fast as possible
50 Box jumps (full knee extension / stand up completely at the top of the box)
30 Toes to bar (alternative: hanging knee raises)
At Home Workout
Modified Karen Workout
3 Rounds of the following as fast as possible:
– 50 Wallball shots
– 40 Walking lunges (20 each leg)
– 30 V-ups
Recommended weight for the wallball shots: 20 lbs
(alternative: if you do not own a medicine ball or wallball, recommend thrusters with light weight DBs / a KB / or an odd object)