Workout: 26 November 2024
Gym Workout
Warm up: 1 round:
- 20 Cals on the bike / row
- 20 Air squats
- Work up to a max front squat
- Perform 3 sets of 3 front squats at 80-85%
- Midline work: 3 sets of the following
– 20 GHD sit-ups (alternative: toes to bar or hanging knee ups)
– Heavy single arm DB overhead carry 100 feet for each arm (go as heavy as you can, up to 85 pounds; you can rest, but try to make it unbroken) - At a gentle pace complete 100 cals on the bike / row, or run 2 miles
- Spend at least 15 minutes stretching whatever is tight.
Recommend spending 60 seconds on each stretch to allow muscles to completely adjust to the length of the stretch and reset for next interactions (thus improving flexibility).
At Home Workout
7 Rounds for Time: “Upper Body Sprint”
– 10 Dips (can use a chair with feet on the ground or elevated on another, or a dip bar)
– 10 Curls each arm using a moderate weight DB (can use a KB or odd object such as a 1-5 gallon jug)
– 10 Forward arm circles using light weights (suggest a textbook in each hand if you do not own light weights)
– 10 Reverse arm circles using the same light weights
Go as fast as you can, try to complete sets unbroken and keep round times consistent.
Then: perform #3 from above: Spend at least 15 minutes stretching whatever is tight, especially those shoulders