Workout: 28 November 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up:
2 Rounds
– 15 Cals on the bike or rower, moderate pace / 300 m run
– 20 Walking lunges (10 each leg)
– 25 Air Squats


  1. Bench press starting at 85% of max and increasing each set if able, perform 4 sets of 3 superset with 4 sets of 15 Bulgarian split squats on each leg (use moderate wt DBs)
  2. 4 sets of 5 heavy Hammer curls (each arm), offset with 20 Single dumbbell triceps extensions / (aka DB French press) (using as heavy of wt as possible, aim for the weight used for the hammer curls)
  3. 10 rounds. Time Cap: 15 mins.
    10 Air Squats
    10 Push-ups
    10 Alternating split squat jumps (aka Jumping lunges) (each leg counts as 1)

    Goal is to finish before the time cap, or as fast as possible. Go to failure, hold nothing back.

At Home Workout

  1. 3 sets of 15 Bulgarian split squats on each leg (use light DBs if you have them) superset with 15 (each leg) alternating DB walking lunges
  2. 2 rounds: for quality, good form, pause at max contraction
    20 Body weight rows / inverted rows
    20 Clapping push-ups (can do from knees if you have to)
    20 Sit-ups (alternative: hanging knee ups, or V-ups)
  3. (3) from above. Same rules.