Workout: 04 October 2024
Gym Workout:
Warm up: 1 round of following (break it up however you would like, or try it straight through):
– 25 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull-ups, pause 1 sec at the top)
– 50 Push-ups
– 75 Air squats
– 100 Lunges
- Heavy Barbell hip thrusters 3 sets of 8
- Sumo Deadlift 5 sets of 6 starting with 65% of your 1-rep deadlift max, and increasing as able each round
- Metabolic: (4 rounds, as fast as possible, finish all of the exercise before moving to the next)
– 10 Box jumps (stand all the way up at the top before coming back down)
– 20 GHD sit-ups (alternative: toes to bar or hanging knee raises)
– 10 Odd-object Thrusters (you can use a heavy sandbag, wall ball, kettlebell, whatever you have available at a moderate weight)
– 20 Push-ups
At Home Workout
- 3 rounds:
– 5 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull-ups, pause 1 sec at the top) + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air squats + 20 Sit-ups - Metabolic: (4 rounds, as fast as possible, finish all of the exercise before moving to the next)
– 10 Box jumps or jumping air squats (stand all the way up at the top before coming back down)
– 20 Toes to bar or hanging knee raises or V-ups
– 10 Odd-object Thrusters (you can use a heavy sandbag, wall ball, kettlebell, whatever you have available at a moderate weight)
– 20 Push-ups