Workout: 14 October 2024

Gym Workout

Warm up – 2 rounds:
– 10 Pull-ups (alternative: Jumping pull-ups)
– 15 Push-ups
– 20 Air squats


First: Work up to a max Front Squat, Then perform a back off set of 3×3 at 85% of the max obtained

Second: 7 Rounds for time: try to go unbroken and complete as quick as possible
– 3 HSPUs (alternative: Pike-box hspu, use a bench or table if no box)
– 6 Pistol squats (alternating legs, 3 each leg) (alternative: any of the pistol squat variations based on skill)
– 9 V-ups (alternative: Toes to bar or hanging knee ups)

Third: Work up to a heavy Squat Snatch. Once you hit a heavy weight, perform as many Overhead Squats as possible in 3 mins at 70% of your max obtained. You must take each from the ground, starting each set with a squat snatch. Your score is your total number of reps.

At Home Workout

Either same second workout as above but do 10 rounds, or alternative:

5 Rounds For Time (try to keep round times consistent until last round, go all out on the last one)
– 15 Pull-Ups (alternative: Jumping pull-ups)
– 20 V-ups (alternative: Toes to bar or hanging knee ups)
– 30 second Handstand hold (can use a wall for support)
– 50 Double-unders (or alternative: 100 singles)
– 600 Meter run