Workout: 26 September 2024
Gym Workout:
Warm up: 2 rounds of Cindy:
– 5 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull-ups, pause 1 sec at the top)
– 10 Push-ups
– 15 Air squats
- Bench press starting at 50% of 1 rep max and 3 sets to failure, superset with Bent over rows 3 sets of 12 light weight
- Metabolic: (1 round, as fast as possible, finish all of the exercise before moving to the next)
– 2 rounds of Cindy
– 30 Box jumps (stand all the way up at the top before coming back down)
– 2 rounds of Cindy
– 45 Toes to bar (alternative: hanging knee raises)
– 2 rounds of Cindy
– 30 Box facing burpee box jump overs
– 2 rounds of Cindy
At Home Workout
- 2 rounds:
– 5 Pull-ups (alternative: jumping pull-ups, pause 1 sec at the top) + 10 Push-ups + 15 Air squats + 20 Walking lunges + 25 Sit-ups - Same as metabolic above. If no box, use a chair or bench. If no bar, can do V-ups.