October 25, 2017


Kelly Starrett is a trainer and physical therapist who works with elite athletes. His book Deskbound illustrates the etiology and the cure for our modern sedentary lifestyle. We sit too much.  Today simply focus on posture via the 40 pound head. Your 10lb head exerts 30 lb of force if you extend forward 2 inches, and 40lb of force if you lean over 3 inches. Give your cervical spine a break! As you correct your alignment you will notice other people leaning over. Baader-Meinhof (frequency illusion) in action. 


MCT Oil. Medium chain triglycerides. You can now buy this stuff at any grocery store. These short fatty acids (usually from coconut oil) are absorbed and metabolized quickly, providing energy and also a satiating effect. Ketogenic dieters use MCT oil to kick the body into ketosis. Basically tasteless, mix with a blender into coffee +/- cream. Start with one teaspoon to see how it affects your GI tract. 


Tony Robbins is larger than life, and sometime overwhelming. But the guy knows people. I recently discovered this talk which is an update of his TED talk from 2006. Combinations of any or all of 6 basic human needs drive the behavior of those around us.
Certainty, Uncertainty (variety), Significance, Connection, Growth, and Contribution. Very helpful in thinking about ourselves and about how to connect with loved ones.


Common advice for healthy sleep is to limit LED/LCD screen time in the few hours before bed. Use night shift on your phone, F.lux on your computer, or wear orange blue-blocking sunglasses. Blue and green light shut down melatonin secretion and melatonin is anti-cancer. 


My new favorite quick dish: roasted cauliflower and garlic. Anti-viral effect of garlic, along with the prebiotic effects of both. Throw about 40 cloves of garlic and a package of cauliflower in a cast iron skillet. Toss in olive oil. Roast at 375 for 30 minutes. Try not to eat the whole thing. Here are some other tips on variety in cooking vegetables. 


The future has many names. For the weak, its unattainable. For the fearful, its unknown. For the bold, its ideal. 

– Victor Hugo

Martin Huecker, MD, is co-editor in chief of the free, open access Journal of Wellness. He is an Associate Professor and Research Director in the Department of Emergency Medicine (EM) at the University of Louisville. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, and the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society. Dr. Huecker graduated from UofL’s EM Residency Program and (Chief Resident in 2011). He works full time seeing patients and teaching residents in the UofL Emergency Department. His diverse research interests include substance use, accidental hypothermia, and healthcare professional wellness. Dr. Huecker is also a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician (DipABLM). He loves books, (cold) trail runs, dogs, and coffee. His wife is an OB/GYN and they have 4 children with cool names.